Partisan Defense Committee Letter
10 March 2012
Partisan Defense Committee P.O. Box 99, Canal Street Station, New York, NY 10013
Contact: Kevin Gilroy (212) 406-4252

Hands Off ILWU Local 21!

The following letter, protesting ongoing repression in Longview, WA, was sent on 10 March to the Cowlitz County Prosecuting Attorney:
The Partisan Defense Committee protests the vindictive, anti-union prosecution of ILWU members and their supporters for their efforts to defend their jobs and their union representation at the EGT terminal in Longview. For months ILWU Local 21 members and their allies were targeted by a campaign of police violence, detentions and surveillance with more than 200 arrests made. These workers are being dragged through the courts with many being pressured to plead guilty to misdemeanors or face more serious felony charges. Now, even after a settlement has been reached between EGT and the ILWU, your office continues to escalate this vendetta with new charges, including felonies, being manufactured months later against longshore workers and others who rallied to the union’s defense.
We demand an end to this persecution and that all charges against ILWU members and their supporters be dropped immediately.