Partisan Defense Committee Letter
17 September 2011
Partisan Defense Committee P.O. Box 99, Canal Street Station, New York, NY 10013
Contact: Kevin Gilroy (212) 406-4252

Stop the Execution of Troy Davis!

On September 17, the Partisan Defense Committee sent the following letter of protest to the Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles.
We join with the many hundreds of thousands who demand the execution of Troy Davis be stopped. Despite substantial evidence of his innocence, Mr. Davis is now scheduled to die by lethal injection on September 21.
Mr. Davis' conviction was based on the coerced testimony of "eyewitnesses," seven of whom have recanted, some citing police misconduct. There is no physical evidence linking Mr. Davis to the crime he is accused of. A new witness at last year's evidentiary hearing said he saw another person shoot the off-duty policeman.
You are in receipt of a petition signed by 663,000 people supporting clemency for Troy Davis. We, opponents of the racist death penalty in principle, join with all those protesting this threatened atrocity. Stop the execution of Troy Davis!