2 June 2007

Endorsers of International Protests to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal

The following is a list of endorsers of various international united-front protests that took place over April 19-26 2008. These protests were variously initiated by and built by the Partisan Defense Committee and its international affiliates in Chicago, Los Angeles, Oakland, London, Toronto, and Sydney. In Mexico City, a united-front protest took place initiated by the Grupo Espartaquista de México, section of the International Communist League.
Partial list as of 30 April 2008:
- A World to Win, London, England
- Aaron Harrison's Criminal Injustice and Police Brutality Foundation, Chicago, IL
- Aberdeen Trades Union Council, Aberdeen, Scotland
- Haben Abraham, Multicultural Affairs Council Representative, Temple of Hip Hop: Trinity College Chapter,* Hartford, CT
- Active Workers Section of CGT Rail Workers Union of Mézidon-Canon, Mézidon-Canon, France
- Royce Adams, member, International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) Local 1291,* Boothwyn, PA
- African Liberation Support Campaign, London, England
- Africans on the Move, Chicago, IL
- AFSCME DC37 Local 375, New York, NY
- AFSCME Local 3506 Adult Educators and Coordinators of City Colleges of Chicago (CCC), Chicago, IL
- Afrikan Liberation Day Organising Committee, London, England
- María Luisa Aguila Zamarripa, Library Shop Steward, STUNAM,* Mexico City, Mexico
- Naazima Ali, Office Manager, Labor Heritage Foundation,* Washington, D.C.
- Bruce Allen, Angola 3 Support Committee,* St. Catharines, ON, Canada
- Florine Allen, member, Amalgamated Transit Union Black Caucus,* Chicago, IL
- Robert L. Allen, Adjunct Professor, African American Studies, University of California at Berkeley,* Berkeley, CA
- Raúl Álvarez Garín, Coordinator, Comité 68 Pro Libertades Democráticas, A.C., Mexico City, Mexico
- Always Question, Toronto, ON, Canada
- José Eduardo Amador Gordillo, Central Committee member, Frente Popular Revolucionario, Mexico City, Mexico
- Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 241, Chicago, IL
- Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 308, Chicago, IL
- Anti-Racist Action Network, Toronto, ON, Canada
- Jerry Archer, Chairman, East New York Maintenance Shop, Transport Workers Union Local 100,* New York
- Furugh Arghavan, member/activist, International Committee Against Executions,* Toronto, ON, Canada
- Fran Arzisu, member, Casa Michoacán,* Plainfield, IL
- Asian Communities Council of Canada, East Toronto, ON, Canada
- Sonia Askew, Vice-President, Executive Board, SEIU-United Healthcare Workers-West,* San Leandro, CA
- Sherman Austin, Founder, Raise the Fist Direct Action Network, Long Beach, CA
- Australia Asia Worker Links, Melbourne, Australia
- William Ayers, Professor, Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Illinois at Chicago,* Chicago, IL
- Farshad Azadian, member/organizer, Always Question, Toronto, ON, Canada
- General Baker, Retiree, UAW Local 600,* Highland Park, MI
- Joseph J. Balkis, Alternate Steward and Volunteer Organizer, International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 705,* Evergreen Park, IL
- Vanessa M. Bankhead, Steward, Teamsters Local 726*; member, Teamsters National Black Caucus,* Chicago, IL
- Julia Paola Barajas, Co-Chair, El Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan, Chicago, IL
- Lydia Barashango, sister of Mumia Abu-Jamal
- Marcellus Barnes, Flossmoor, IL
- Charles Barron, Councilmember, New York City Council,* New York, NY
- Michael Barron, Executive Board member, Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 241, Chicago, IL
- Behrooz, Secretary, Iranian Democratic Unity, Sydney, Australia
- Jason Bell, Director, Project Rebound of ASI at San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA
- Didier Benoist, Secretary of the Active Workers Section of CGT Rail Workers Union of Mézidon-Canon, Mézidon-Canon, France
- Richard Berg, President, International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 743,* Chicago, IL
- Black Action Defense Committee Inc., Toronto, ON, Canada
- Black Rose Anarchist Library and Books, Sydney, Australia
- Black Student Union at DePaul University, Chicago, IL
- Dave Bleakney, National Union Representative, Canadian Union of Postal Workers,* Ottawa, ON, Canada
- Blase Bonpane, Director, Office of the Americas, Los Angeles, CA
- Ray M. Boudreaux, member, Committee for the Defense of Human Rights, Pasadena, CA
- Kevin Bracken, Secretary, Maritime Union of Australia Victorian Branch, West Melbourne, Australia
- Allen Bradley, Skilled Trades Chair, UAW Local 3520*; Freightliner 5,* Woodleaf, NC
- Elaine Brown, Brunswick, GA
- Michael Brown, Editor in Chief, Voice of the Voiceless (Student Press for Borough of Manhattan Community College), New York, NY
- Richard Brown, member, Committee for the Defense of Human Rights (SF8), San Francisco, CA
- Scot Brown, Professor, UCLA,* Los Angeles, CA
- Murphy Browne, President, University of Toronto Association of Part-time Undergraduate Students,* Toronto, ON, Canada
- Bruin Feminists for Equality, UCLA,* Los Angeles, CA
- Craig Bulley, Producer, Workers Radio, Sydney, Australia
- Serge Buquet, Elected Representative, CGT Union of Petrochemical Workers at Total in Gonfreville, Harfleur, France
- Evan Bury, member, Socialist Action/Ligue pour l’Action socialiste,* Ottawa, ON, Canada
- Rev. Richard D. Byrd (Meri Ka Ra), Senior Minister, KRST Unity Center of AfRaKan Spiritual Science,* Los Angeles, CA
- Chris Cain, State Secretary, Maritime Union of Australia Western Australia Branch,* North Fremantle, Australia
- Robert Caldwell, Jr., member, SOLIDARITY,* New Orleans, LA
- Campaign to End Israeli Apartheid—Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
- Dan Campbell, Teamsters for a Democratic Union,* Milwaukee, WI
- Patricia Campbell, President, Independent Workers Union (Ireland),* Belfast, Northern Ireland
- Canadian Union of Postal Workers — Syndicat des Travailleurs et Travailleuses des Postes, Ottawa, ON, Canada
- Canadian Union of Postal Workers Toronto Local Executive, Toronto, ON, Canada
- Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 3902, Toronto, ON, Canada
- Canopy, Organizer, Leonard Peltier Support Group Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
- Michael Caplan, Associate Professor, Columbia College Chicago,* Chicago, IL
- Cardiff Nexus Innocence Project, Cardiff, Wales
- Rosalyn Carr, Vice Chair, Train Operators, Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 100,* New York, NY
- Carlos Casas Alzugaray, President, Committee in Solidarity with the Basque People (CSPB), Paris, France
- Rosa H. Castleberry, Union Steward, SEIU United Healthcare Workers West,* Los Angeles, CA
- Centro Communitario Juan Diego, Chicago, IL
- CGT Dockers Union Marseille, Marseille, France
- CGT Rail Workers Union of Mézidon-Canon, Retirees Section, Mézidon-Canon, France
- CGT Union for Total Group Workers Normandy, Gonfreville l'Orcher, France
- CGT Union of Petrochemical Workers at Total in Gonfreville, Harfleur, France
- Jamel Chisolm, Shop Steward, Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 100,* New York, NY
- CHRY 105.5 fm Community Radio, Toronto, ON, Canada
- CISPES-L.A. (Committee In Solidarity With the People of El Salvador), Los Angeles, CA
- Gillian Claycomb, President, Pride at Work — Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
- Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU) Metro-Detroit Chapter, Detroit, MI
- Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU) New York City Chapter, New York, NY
- COBAS PT CUB (Postal Workers Union), Milano, Italy
- Monique Code, spokesperson for Jamal Hart, New York, NY
- Natercia Coelho, Family and Friends of Gary Freeman,* Toronto, ON, Canada
- Jarrett Colby, Chicago, IL
- Colectivo Rebeldía, Mexico City, Mexico
- Elbert Collier, Jr., member, UAW Civil Rights Committee,* Toledo, OH
- Leroy Collier, President, National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC), Branch 2200,* Pasadena, CA
- Brett Collins, Coordinator, Justice Action, New South Wales, Australia
- Comité 68 Pro Libertades Democráticas, A.C., Mexico City, Mexico
- Comité de Base RFM-MLP, Mexico City, Mexico
- Comité Cerezo, Mexico City, Mexico
- Committee for the Defense of Human Rights (SF8), San Francisco, CA
- Committee in Solidarity with the Basque People (CSPB), Paris, France
- Communication Workers Union Eastern Region, London, England
- Communication Workers Union Essex Amal Branch, Chelmsford, Essex, England
- Communication Workers Union (Gauteng Province), Kelvin, South Africa
- Community Radio 3CR, Melbourne, Australia
- Congress of South African Trade Unions—Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa
- CONLUTAS, São Paulo, Brazil
- Joan Conover, Union Steward, AFSCME Local 3506,* Chicago, IL
- Conscious Marimba Band, Cape Town, South Africa
- L. Cooper, Secretary, Communications, Electrical and Plumbing Union of Australia,* Melbourne, Australia
- Alexis Cortijos, General Secretary, CGT Villejuif Union Local,* Villejuif, France
- Terry M. Cotton, Distributor, Commemorator—Commemoration Committee for the Black Panther Party,* Oakland, CA
- Nadja Crawley, student, Brooklyn, NY
- Annette Cruz, Executive Board member, TA Surface Bus Operators, Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 100,* Brooklyn, NY
- Michael Dalton, President, POWER – Trade Union of Organizers, Washington, D.C.
- Day-Mer Turkish and Kurdish Community Centre, London, England
- Jim Deery, Chairperson, Greater New Lodge Community Forum — North Belfast,* North Belfast, Northern Ireland
- Juan del Pozo, member, International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 34,* San Francisco, CA
- John Delloro, Executive Director, Dolores Huerta Labor Institute,* Los Angeles, CA
- Ismet Demir, Chairman of the Executive Committee, YEKMAL (Association of Parents from Kurdistan), Berlin, Germany
- Luc Destoumieux, Spokesperson, Personnel Delegate, SUD Rail Workers Union of Paris Left Bank, Paris, France
- Paul B. Díaz Gómez, Collaborator of Secretary of the Exterior, Sindicato Mexicano de Electricistas,* Mexico City, Mexico
- Melvin Dickson, Editor, Commemorator,* Oakland, CA
- Domestic Workers United, Bronx, NY
- Jim Donovan, Ex-Secretary, Maritime Union of Australia Sydney Branch,* Australia
- Emory Douglas, Revolutionary Artist/Minister of Culture, Black Panther Party,* San Francisco, CA
- Gerry Downing, Committee member, Transport and General Workers Union (TGWU)/UNITE 1/296,* London, England
- Joan V. Doyle, Melbourne, Australia
- Frank and Anne Dreaver, Directors, Leonard Peltier Defense Committee Canada, Canada
- James Dumas, Treasurer, UAW Local 3212, Chicago, IL
- Michael Eric Dyson, Professor, Georgetown University,* Washington, D.C.
- Ghassem Ebadi, Coordinator of Adult Education, Daley College,* Chicago, IL
- Jeremy Edwards, organizer, International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU),* Fontana, CA
- Tony Ehrenreich, Provincial Secretary, Congress of South African Trade Unions—Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa
- El Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan, Chicago, IL
- Mike Elliott, Chair, UAW Standing Committee, United Auto Workers Local 551,* Park Forest, IL
- Marty Englander, Member Relations Secretary, AFSCME Local 444,* Emeryville, CA
- Christiane Ensslin, Editor, Cologne, Germany
- Ian Robert Esau, Shop Steward, National Education Health and Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU),* Cape Town, South Africa
- Roberto Espinoza Rocco, Coyoacán, Mexico City, Mexico
- ¡Eureka!, Mexico City, Mexico
- Randy Evans, President, Global Reach, Inc.,* Chicago, IL
- Loys Everett, member, Coalition of University Employees,* Berkeley, CA
- Eric Fanning, member, United Association of Plumbers and Steamfitters (UA) Local 290,* Portland, OR
- Fernando S. Fernando, member, Bayan U.S.A.,* Los Angeles, CA
- FIB (Refugees Initiative Brandenberg), Germany
- Vilma Filici, President, Canadian Hispanic Congress,* Toronto, ON, Canada
- Professor Dr. Heinrich Fink, Chairman, VVN-BdA (Association of the Victims of the Nazi Regime — Coalition of Anti-fascists),* Berlin, Germany
- Karl Fischbacher, Editor, LabourNet-Austria, Vienna, Austria
- Robert Fishburne, Jr., Executive Board member, AFSCME DC 37 Local 2627,* Brooklyn, NY
- Chris Fisher, Retiree, former Treasurer, AFSCME Local 444,* Oakland, CA
- Hilary Flavisun, member, Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 100,* Brooklyn, NY
- Joe Fleetwood, Secretary, Maritime Union of New Zealand Wellington Branch,* Wellington, New Zealand
- Armando Flores Solis, member, Colectivo Rebeldía, Mexico City, Mexico
- Jon Forster, First Vice President, AFSCME DC37 Local 375, New York, NY
- Mike Fraga, Professor, Chicano/a Studies Department of California State University at Dominguez Hills,* Carson, CA
- V.P. Franklin, Professor of History, University of California Riverside,* Riverside, CA
- Sheryll Franko, Editor-in-Chief, The Hip-Not Generation Journal of Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC), New York, NY
- Freedom Socialist Party Bay Area Branch, San Francisco, CA
- Frente Nacional Contra la Represión (FNCR), Mexico City, Mexico
- Frente Popular Revolucionario, Mexico City, Mexico
- Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la Tierra, Atenco, Mexico
- Myron Fuson, Artist, Nation of Gods and Earths,* Chicago, IL
- Olivia Gall, Titular Researcher, Torre de Humanidades II de la Ciudad Universitaria de la UNAM,* Mexico City, Mexico
- Eliezer Maca Gallardo, Organizer, International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 805,* Long Island City, NY
- Fermín García, member, SNTSS (National Union of Social Security Workers) Local 32 Union Delegation 27,* Mexico City, Mexico
- Obed García Bonilla, Delegate, STUNAM,* Mexico City, Mexico
- Gabriel Gaster, member, Students for a Democratic Society—University of Chicago,* Chicago, IL
- Gay Liberation Network, Chicago, IL
- George Jackson Socialist League, England
- Frederick Gibson, Shop Steward, DC 37 Local 2627,* Jamaica, NY
- Goldii, daughter of Mumia Abu-Jamal, Philadelphia, PA
- Alfredo Gomez, Union Representative, International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 745,* Chicago, IL
- Juan Gómez-Quiñones, History Department, UCLA,* Los Angeles, CA
- Marty Goodman, member, former Executive Board member, Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 100,* New York, NY
- Ben Gonzo, Pachamama (Estela) band,* Los Angeles, CA
- Morteza Gorgzadeh, member, Toronto Forum on Cuba, Toronto, ON, Canada
- Gino Govender, Director, Development Institute for Training, Support and Education for Labour (DITSELA),* South Africa
- Ken Green, member, International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 10,* San Francisco, CA
- David Greene, Adult Education Chapter Delegate, United Federation of Teachers,* Brooklyn, NY
- Paul Greene, Vice Chairman, TA Surface Maintenance Division, Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 100,* New York, NY
- Andy Griggs, Board of Directors member, United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA),* Los Angeles, CA
- Fulvio Grimaldi, Journalist, Italy
- Grupo de Acción Revolucionaria, Mexico City, Mexico
- Krystal Guest, Social Activities Coordinator, Student Organization for Caribbean Awareness at Temple University,* Philadelphia, PA
- Aleida Guevara March, Medical Specialist, Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP),* Cuba
- Ingrid Gunnell, East Area Board of Directors member, United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA),* Glendale, CA
- Jan Guz, Chairman, OPZZ (All-Poland Alliance of Trade Unions),* Warsaw, Poland
- Keith Hamilton, Executive Board member, International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 10,* Oakland, CA
- Lubna Hammad, Lawyer, New York, NY
- Bill Hampton, President, West Suburban Coalition,* Maywood, IL
- Fred Hampton Jr., Chairman, Prisoners of Conscience Committee, Chicago, IL
- Stuart Hanlon, attorney, San Francisco, CA
- Noelle Hanrahan, Prison Radio, San Francisco, CA
- Trevor Hanson, General Secretary, Maritime Union of New Zealand,* Wellington, New Zealand
- Willie Hardy, ISC Board Member, Teamsters for a Democratic Union,* Memphis, TN
- Ashunda Harris, Board President, Aaron Harrison's Criminal Injustice and Police Brutality Foundation, Chicago, IL
- Rick Harris, President, Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 308, Chicago, IL
- Karega Hart, Education Coordinator, SEIU Local 1021,* Oakland, CA
- Celia Hart Santamaria, Havana, Cuba
- Nathan Head, President, Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU) Metro-Detroit Chapter, Detroit, MI
- Fernando Hernandez, Vice President, UAW Local 3212, Chicago, IL
- Amador Hernández Velázquez, Delegate, STUNAM,* Mexico City, Mexico
- Jack Heyman, Executive Board member, International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 10*; member, Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, San Francisco, CA
- Kendra C. Hill, Executive Board member, Station Division, Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 100,* Brooklyn, NY
- David Hilliard, Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation, Oakland, CA
- Nathan Hinman, Organizer, SEIU Healthcare 1199NE New England Health Care Employees Union,* Cromwell, CT
- The Hip-Not Generation Journal of Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC), New York, NY
- Fred Hirsch, member Executive Board, Plumbers and Fitters Local 393,* Santa Cruz, CA
- Terry Hoad, President, Oxford University and College Union,* Oxford, Britain
- Michael Hoard, Co-chair, African American Longshore Coalition,* Seattle, WA
- Vern Hodges, Executive Board member, Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 241, Chicago, IL
- Ed Hoek, Lashing Instructor, Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging (Dutch Trade Union Federation),* Netherlands
- Homies Unidos, Los Angeles, CA
- Raymond E. Horne, Recording Secretary, Glaziers Local 718,* San Francisco, CA
- Hospital Employees' Union, Burnaby, BC, Canada
- Christa Hourani, Works Council member, Daimler AG Stuttgart IG Metall (Metal Workers Union),* Stuttgart, Germany
- Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation, Oakland, CA
- David Hugill, President, Trent Graduate Students Association, Peterborough, ON, Canada
- Jessica Huntley, Ealing, England
- Rosario Ibarra, National Coordinator, ¡Eureka!, Mexico City, Mexico
- Indigenous Social Justice Association, Sydney, Australia
- International Communist League (Fourth Internationalist)
- International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 10, San Francisco, CA [Oakland demonstration only]
- International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) Local 1422, Charleston, SC
- Internationalist Group/League for the Fourth International, New York, NY
- Iranian Democratic Unity, Sydney, Australia
- G. Ivey, Hip Hop Show Channel 19-TV,* Chicago, IL
- Ray Jackson, President, Indigenous Social Justice Association, Sydney, Australia
- Mathew Jacob, Chair, Concourse Maintenance Shop, Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 100,* New York, NY
- Libby Jamieson, Station Manager, Community Radio 3CR, Melbourne, Australia
- Charles Jenkins, member, Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 100*; 2nd Vice President, Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU) New York City Chapter, New York, NY
- Billy X Jennings, It’s About Time Committee,* Sacramento, CA
- D. Patricia Jewett, Recording Secretary, TA Surface Maintenance Division, Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 100,* New York, NY
- Luis Jimenez, member, UAW Local 3212, Chicago, IL
- Walter Julián Ángel Jiménez, Political Commission, Grupo de Acción Revolucionaria, Mexico City, Mexico
- Joie des Enfants des Camps, Paris, France
- J. Daniel Johnson, Vice-Chair, UCLA Black Alumni Association,* Beverly Hills, CA
- Andrew Jolivette, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, American Indian Studies, San Francisco State University,* San Francisco, CA
- Doug Jones, Secretary/Treasurer, Canadian Union of Postal Workers Toronto Local Executive, Toronto, ON, Canada
- Katie Jordan, President, Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) Chicago Chapter,* Chicago, IL
- Justice Action, New South Wales, Australia
- Ephraim Ek Kalsakan, National Secretary, Vanuatu National Workers Union,* Port Vila, Vanuatu
- Julia Kamenetsky, Graduate Student, Adler School of Professional Psychology,* Chicago, IL
- Dr. John Kani, Executive Trustee, Market Theatre,* Johannesburg, South Africa
- Khalif K. Karriem, member, Chicago State University Independent Student Union,* Chicago, IL
- Walter Kaufmann, Author Unterwegs zu Angela Davis, Berlin, Germany
- Clifford P. Kelley, Talk Show Host, WVON Radio AM 1690,* Chicago, IL
- Moemedi Kepadisa, Provincial Chairman, Azanian People's Organization—Gauteng,* Marshalltown, South Africa
- Heather K. Kere, Vice President Education, Ryerson Students' Union, Toronto, ON, Canada
- Angela Kerr, Production Associate/Human Rights Board of Canadian Auto Workers Local 88,* Tillsonborg, ON, Canada
- Amin Khan, member, Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 100,* New York, NY
- Fredrick-Douglass Knowles, Professor, Southern Connecticut State University,* New Haven, CT
- Yuri Kochiyama, member, Asians for the San Francisco Eight,* Oakland, CA
- Oupa Komane, Deputy General Secretary, National Union of Mine Workers, Johannesburg, South Africa
- Komitee für soziale Verteidigung, Berlin, Germany
- Ksenia Konkina, Co-President, Vegan Society of the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
- Yael Korin, Coordinator, Campaign to End Israeli Apartheid-Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
- Ron Kovic, Vietnam Veteran, author Born on the Fourth of July, Redondo Beach, CA
- Manuel La Fontaine, Outreach Specialist, Project Rebound of ASI at San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA
- La Raza Centro Legal/San Francisco Day Labor Program, San Francisco, CA
- Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, Oakland, CA
- Labor Black League for Social Defense, Los Angeles, CA
- Labor Black League for Social Defense, Oakland, CA
- Labor Black Struggle League, Chicago, IL
- Labor/Community Strategy Center, Los Angeles, CA
- LabourNet-Austria, Vienna, Austria
- LabourNet Germany, Bochum, Germany
- James Lafferty, Executive Director, National Lawyers Guild/L.A., Los Angeles, CA
- Rachel Laforest, Director of Organizing, Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 100,* New York, NY
- Quraysh Ali Lansana, Director, Gwendolyn Brooks Center at Chicago State University,* Chicago, IL
- L.A. Prison Times, Los Angeles, CA
- Isabel Lara, Farm Labor Organizing Committee,* Toledo, OH
- Darlyne A. Lawson, Recording Secretary, Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 100,* New York, NY
- Fernando B. Ledezma, Bilingual Teacher, United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA)*; member, March 25 Coalition,* El Monte, CA
- Chol Soo Lee, Special Consultant, At Risk Asian American Youth Project at San Francisco State University,* San Francisco, CA
- Leonard Peltier Defense Committee Canada, Canada
- Leonard Peltier Support Group Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
- Eric Leonardson, Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of the Art Institute of Chicago,* Chicago, IL
- Liga de Trabajadores por el Socialismo — Contracorriente, Mexico City, Mexico
- Walter Lippmann, Editor in Chief, CubaNews,* Los Angeles, CA
- Frederick Loft, member, Canadian Union of Public Employees*; member, Six Nations of the Grand River Territory,* Hamilton, ON, Canada
- Longshore Workers Coalition, Charleston, SC
- Mayra Lopez, member, Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (MEChA),* Chicago, IL
- Corinna Lotz, Secretary, A World to Win, London, England
- E. Love, member, Teamsters National Black Caucus,* Chicago, IL
- Emma Lozano, President, Pueblo Sin Fronteras, Chicago, IL
- Tim Louis, Former Vancouver City Councilor, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Stephen Lysaght, President, American Postal Workers Union East Bay Area Local,* Walnut Creek, CA
- Ezrom Mabyana, President, South African Transport and Allied Workers Union (SATAWU), Johannesburg, South Africa
- Hans-Hermann Mack, VVN-BdA (Association of the Victims of the Nazi Regime — Coalition of Anti-fascists),* Hamburg, Germany
- Reginald W. Major, San Francisco, CA
- Daniel Manca, Assistant Secretary, CGT Dockers Union Marseille, Marseille, France
- Nicholas J. Mann, Chairman, Chicago State University Independent Student Union,* Chicago, IL
- Manning Marable, Professor, Columbia University,* New York, NY
- Marcus Garvey Organising Committee, London, England
- Mario, Poet/Activist/Talk Show Host, WHPK,* Chicago, IL
- Maritime, Energy and Transport Union of Timor Leste, East Timor
- Maritime Union of Australia Victorian Branch, West Melbourne, Australia
- José Rosario Marroquín Farrera, Coordinator of the Communication and Analysis Area, Centro de Derechos Humanos Miguel Agustin Pro,* Mexico City, Mexico
- Jane Marsh, President, Canadian Union of Postal Workers Toronto Local,* Toronto, ON, Canada
- Shirley Martin, Executive Board member, Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 100,* New York, NY
- Enrique Martinez, Business Agent, International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 805,* Long Island City, NY
- Dr. Paul Mason, Coordinator, Cardiff Nexus Innocence Project; member, No More Prisons, Cardiff, Wales
- Thamsanqa Matosa, Regional Chairperson, National Union of Mine Workers, Witbank, South Africa
- Harold Matthews, Union Steward, AFSCME Local 1942,* Middleton, WI
- Nathanette Mayo, member, Fruit of Labor Singing Ensemble/Black Workers for Justice*; United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE) Local 150,* Raleigh, NC
- Cindy McCallum Miller, National Director, Canadian Union of Postal Workers Prairie Region,* Winnipeg, MB, Canada
- Frederick McClure, Executive Board member, Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 241, Chicago, IL
- Derrick McEwan, Shop Steward, Canadian Union of Postal Workers,* Toronto, ON, Canada
- Cynthia McKinney, Atlanta, GA
- Raz Meldau, Smash EDO,* Brighton, England
- Horacio Mena, Alternate Steward, AFSCME Local 444,* Berkeley, CA
- Ovide Mercredi, Chief, Misipawistik Cree Nation,* Grand Rapids, Manitoba, Canada
- Simone Meyer, former President, Bruin Feminists for Equality, UCLA,* Los Angeles, CA
- Paul Mezurka, Der Neue Kurs,* Vienna, Austria
- Kevin A. Mitchell, Executive Board member, Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 241, Chicago, IL
- Patrick Mitchell, Executive Board member, AFSCME Local 3299,* Los Angeles, CA
- Paul Moffat, Secretary, Communication Workers Union Eastern Region, London, England
- C. Moni, Deputy President, National Union of Mine Workers, Johannesburg, South Africa
- Kim Moody, National Union of Journalists,* London, England
- Ken Mooney, President, Canadian Union of Postal Workers Local 846,* Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Faryce B. Moore, Vice President of Grievances, Social Service Employees Union (SSEU) Local 371, New York, NY
- Dorsey T. Montgomery, Sr., Secretary-Treasurer, International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) Local 1422, Charleston, SC
- Piergiorgio Moro, Workplace Delegate, Australian Services Union-A&S,* Melbourne, Australia
- Dannie Morrell, member, George Jackson Socialist League, England
- Domenichi Morris, Musician, Los Vicios de Papa,* Chicago, IL
- Jacob Mueller, Director of Operations, University of Illinois at Chicago Honors College,* Chicago, IL
- Salikoko S. Mufwene, Professor of Linguistics, University of Chicago,* Chicago, IL
- Larry T. Muhammad, 2nd Vice President, Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 241, Chicago, IL
- Jorge Mujica, Co-Coordinator, March 10th Committee,* Berwyn, IL
- Jenny Munro, Wiradjuri Aboriginal Nation,* Sydney, Australia
- Fred Muzin, President, Hospital Employees' Union, Burnaby, BC, Canada
- National Lawyers Guild/L.A., Los Angeles, CA
- National Union of Mine Workers, Johannesburg, South Africa
- National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers Finsbury Park Branch, London, England
- Navenda Civata Demokratika kurd e.V., Berlin, Germany
- Newham Monitoring Project, London, England
- Lois Newland, Steering Committee member, Domestic Workers United, Bronx, NY
- David Newton, member, International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 10*; Representative, Black Panther Party,* Oakland, CA
- Winnie Ng, Toronto, ON, Canada
- No More Prisons, Cardiff, Wales
- Nour, President, Joie des Enfants des Camps, Paris, France
- Denis Nouvel, Secretary General, CGT Union of Petrochemical Workers at Total in Gonfreville, Harfleur, France
- Kiilu Nyasha, Host of "Freedom is a Constant Struggle," SF Live,* San Francisco, CA
- Dean O’Hanlon, Branch Secretary, National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers Finsbury Park Branch, London, England
- Charlotte and Pete O’Neal, Director and Co-Director, United African Alliance Community Center, Arusha, Tanzania
- Oakland Education Association, Oakland, CA
- Coby Obiesie, Senior Coordinator, Black Student Union at San Francisco State University,* San Francisco, CA
- October 22nd Coalition to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and Criminalization of a Generation, Los Angeles, CA
- Office of the Americas, Los Angeles, CA
- Bertell Ollman, Professor, New York University Department of Politics,* New York, NY
- Yves Omont, Treasurer, Retirees Section, CGT Rail Workers Union of Mézidon-Canon, Mézidon-Canon, France
- Omowale, Political Education and Communications Officer, Afrikan Liberation Day Organising Committee; Political Education and Communications Officer, Pan-Afrikan Society Community Forum; Presenter, Galaxy Radio 99.5fm and www.afiwestation.com,* London, England
- Ontario Coalition Against Poverty, Toronto, ON, Canada
- OPZZ Konfederacja Pracy (All-Poland Workers Trade Union Confederation of Labor), Warsaw, Poland
- Raymundo Ortiz Orozco, Shop Steward, STUNAM,* Mexico City, Mexico
- Francisca Oyogoa, Ph.D. student, University of Massachusetts,* Meriden, CT
- Allegra Padilla, Organizer, October 22nd Coalition to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and Criminalization of a Generation, Los Angeles, CA
- P.A.M.E. (All-Workers Fighting Front), Athens, Greece
- Pan African Union at California State University Dominguez Hills (CSUDH), Carson, CA
- Pan-Afrikan Society Community Forum, London, England
- Paris and Ile de France Movement of Undocumented Immigrants (Cleaning Workers), Corbeil-Essonnes, France
- Jini Park, member, Korean Women Workers Association,* Bloomington, IN
- Jean-Claude Parrot, former President, Canadian Union of Postal Workers, Ottawa, ON, Canada
- Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores (PRT), Mexico City, Mexico
- Partisan Defense Committee
- J.P. Patafio, Chair, TA Surface Division for Bus Operators, Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 100,* New York, NY
- Darryl "Mike D." Payne, President, International Longshoremen's Association (ILA) Local 1526,* Fort Lauderdale, FL
- Sello R. Peege, Regional Organiser, National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA),* Marshalltown, South Africa
- Tres Peel, Recording Secretary, Teamsters National Black Caucus Chicago Chapter,* Chicago, IL
- Henry M. Pellom, Sergeant at Arms, International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 10,* San Francisco, CA
- Claude Pépin, member of the South Essonne (Etampes) PCF Organizing Collective, French Communist Party,* Etrechy, France
- José Manuel Pérez Vázquez, Collaborator of Secretary of the Exterior, Sindicato Mexicano de Electricistas,* Mexico City, Mexico
- Gilles Perrault, writer, France
- Andreeva G. Pinder, Vice President, Station Division, Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 100,* Brooklyn, NY
- George Pontikos, International Relations Dept. member, P.A.M.E. (All-Workers Fighting Front), Athens, Greece
- Jeff Pott, member, United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) House of Representatives*; Chapter Chair (steward), UTLA,* Los Angeles, CA
- Pamela Powell, member, Coalition of Black Trade Unionists*; NAACP Detroit Chapter,* Lincoln Park, MI
- POWER – Trade Union of Organizers, Washington, D.C.
- Ralph Poynter, New Abolitionist,* New York, NY
- Pride at Work — Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
- Prison Radio, San Francisco, CA
- Prisoners of Conscience Committee, Chicago, IL
- Project Rebound of ASI at San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA
- Pueblo Sin Fronteras, Chicago, IL
- Sam Putinja, member, Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 3903,* Toronto, ON, Canada
- Raise the Fist, Los Angeles, CA
- Raise the Fist Direct Action Network, Long Beach, CA
- José Antonio Ramos-Collazo, Delegate of the Utuado Local Board, Federación de Maestros de Puerto Rico,* Utuado, Puerto Rico
- Mary Ratcliff, Editor, San Francisco Bay View National Black Newspaper, San Francisco, CA
- Willie Ratcliff, Publisher, San Francisco Bay View National Black Newspaper, San Francisco, CA
- Thomas Ravenell, member, International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) Local 1422-A,* North Charleston, SC
- Judy Rebick, Gindin Chair in Social Justice, Ryerson University,* Toronto, ON, Canada
- Red de Izquierda Revolucionaria-PRD, Mexico City, Mexico
- Region 4 Area Women's Caucus United Auto Workers (UAW), Maywood, IL
- Asad Rehman, Chair, Newham Monitoring Project, London, England
- Matilde Ribeiro, Former Minister of Racial Equality of Brazil (2003 to 2008); Fellow, UCLA African American Policy Forum,* Brasilia, Brazil
- Norman (Otis) Richmond, Producer/Host, Saturday Morning Live and Diaspora Music on CKLN-FM 88.1,* Toronto, ON, Canada
- Clint A. Riley, member, International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) Local 1422, Charleston, SC
- Kenneth Riley, President, International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) Local 1422, Charleston, SC
- Leonard Riley, Jr., Co-Chair, Longshore Workers Coalition, Charleston, SC
- Sonia María Elena Rivera Godinez, Delegate, STUNAM,* Mexico City, Mexico
- Alicia Rodriguez, ex-Puerto Rican political prisoner, Cayey, Puerto Rico
- David Roediger, Historian, University of Illinois,* Urbana, IL
- Irvin Roldan, Band member, Dr. Skabe,* Chicago, IL
- Michael Rossman, President, Free Speech Movement Archives,* Berkeley, CA
- J. Marc Rouillan, political prisoner, editor; former member, Action Directe,* Marseille, France
- Christina Rousseau, Steward, Canadian Union of Public Employees 3908,* Toronto, ON, Canada
- Chris Ryan, Education Committee member, UAW Local 685,* Kokomo, IN
- Matthew Ryder, Matrix,* London, England
- Ryerson Students' Union, Toronto, ON, Canada
- Wanda Sabir, Arts Editor, San Francisco Bay View National Black Newspaper; faculty, College of Alameda,* Oakland, CA
- San Francisco Bay View National Black Newspaper, San Francisco, CA
- Edgard Sánchez R., member of Political Committee, Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores (PRT), Mexico City, Mexico
- Denise Belén Santiago, Faculty, Pace University,* New York, NY
- Saul Sarabia, Los Angeles, CA
- Carol M. Sarauw, Shop Steward, Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 100,* New York, NY
- Renée Saucedo, Community Empowerment Coordinator, La Raza Centro Legal/San Francisco Day Labor Program, San Francisco, CA
- John Saxe Fernández, Professor, UNAM,* Mexico City, Mexico
- Macdonald Scott, member, No One Is Illegal*; Ontario Coalition Against Poverty,* Toronto, ON, Canada
- Rick Scott, member, Black Workers for Justice*; United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE) Local 150,* Raleigh, NC
- Scottish Trades Union Congress, Glasgow, Scotland
- Nathaniel Scurlock, Executive Board member, Amalgamated Transit Union Local 241, Chicago, IL
- Steve Seal, Teacher, Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD),* Los Angeles, CA
- SEIU Local 721 Latino Caucus, Los Angeles, CA
- SEIU-United Healthcare Workers West African-American Caucus (AFRAM), Los Angeles, CA
- Carole Seligman, member, Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, San Francisco, CA
- Mary Selvie, Chairperson, Region 4 Area Women's Caucus United Auto Workers (UAW), Maywood, IL
- Smita Shah, Barrister, Garden Court Chambers,* London, England
- Michael Shakespeare, Rank & Filer, Maritime Union of New Zealand,* Wellington, New Zealand
- Glenn Shelton, Steward, National Postal Mail Handlers Union,* Detroit, MI
- Kevin Shimmin, National Representative, United Food and Commercial Workers,* Toronto, ON, Canada
- Earl Silbar, former Chief Steward, retired, AFSCME Local 3506,* Chicago, IL
- Chris Silvera, Secretary-Treasurer, International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 808,* Long Island City, NY
- Hattie Simsisulu, member, International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU),* Wilmington, CA
- Sindacato dei Lavoratori (SDL) Intercategoriale, Rome, Italy
- Vincenzo Siniscalchi, National Secretariat member, Sindacato dei Lavoratori (SDL) Intercategoriale, Rome, Italy
- DJ Small, Shop Steward, Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 100,* New York, NY
- Lola Smallwood, Program Director, UCLA African American Union Leadership School,* Los Angeles, CA
- Carol K. Smith, National Lawyers Guild,* Los Angeles, CA
- Donald A. Smith, Trustee, Executive Board member, National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) Branch 2200,* Pasadena, CA
- Donovan Smith, member, Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 100,* New York, NY
- Jesse Smith, President, SEIU-United Healthcare Workers West African-American Caucus (AFRAM), Los Angeles, CA
- Peridot Smith, Owner, Ambrosia Gallery,* New Rochelle, NY
- Social Service Employees Union (SSEU) Local 371, New York, NY
- Francesca Solleville, Singer, Malakoff, France
- George Sossenko, President, Veterans for Peace 125,* Atlanta, GA
- South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU) Gauteng Province, Johannesburg, South Africa
- South African Transport and Allied Workers Union (SATAWU), Johannesburg, South Africa
- Spartacist League/U.S.
- Spartacus Youth Club - Chicago, Chicago, IL
- Spartacus Youth Club - LA, Los Angeles, CA
- Spartakist-Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands, Berlin, Germany
- Lonnie Spight, member, UAW Local 600,* Highland Park, MI
- Boni Stafford, member, Amalgamated Transit Union Local 113 Women’s Committee,* Toronto, ON, Canada
- Anna Sterling, Youth Component Coordinator, Samahang Pilipino at UCLA,* Los Angeles, CA
- Lynne Stewart, Founder, Lynne Stewart Organization,* New York, NY
- Bernhard Stietz-Leipnitz, member of the Hamburg Executive Board, ver.di (Public Service Workers Union),* Hamburg, Germany
- Russell L. Stockard, Jr., Associate Professor, California Lutheran University,* Thousand Oaks, CA
- David Stovall, Associate Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago,* Chicago, IL
- SUD Rail Workers Union of Paris Left Bank, Paris, France
- SUD Teachers Union Paris, Paris, France
- Mary Sutton, Editor, L.A. Prison Times, Los Angeles, CA
- Glenna Swinford, member, UAW Local 3520*; Freightliner 5,* Salisbury, NC
- Taller de Construcción del Socialismo (TACOSO), Mexico City, Mexico
- Michael E. Taylor, Executive Board member, Amalgamated Transit Union Local 241, Chicago, IL
- Tenant’s Voices, San Rafael, CA
- Andy Thayer, Co-founder, Gay Liberation Network, Chicago, IL
- Clarence Thomas, Executive Board member, International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 10,* San Francisco, CA
- Morgan Thornberry, California Staff Organization,* San Diego, CA
- Delbert L. Tibbs, former death row inmate, death penalty abolitionist, Chicago, IL
- Timor Leste Trade Union Confederation, East Timor
- Odile Tobner, President, Survie,* Rouen, France
- Jan Tokumaru, Vice President, Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA),* Los Angeles, CA
- Toronto Forum on Cuba, Toronto, ON, Canada
- Franklin Torrence, member, Executive Board and Bargaining Committee of UAW Local 3520*; Freightliner 5,* Charlotte, NC
- Luis A. Torres, Secretary of Union Education, Federación de Maestros de Puerto Rico,* San Juan, Puerto Rico
- Eric Touloumis, Shop Steward, Canadian Union of Postal Workers,* Toronto, ON, Canada
- Trabajadores en Resistencia DGEI-SEP, Mexico City, Mexico
- Trade Union Assembly of the School of Political and Social Sciences UNAM/STUNAM, Mexico City, Mexico
- Transport Workers Union Local 100 Supply Logistics of Station Division, New York, NY
- Trent Graduate Students Association, Peterborough, ON, Canada
- Gary Tyson, On-air personality, WHPK 88.5 FM,* Chicago, IL
- UAW Local 3212, Chicago, IL
- United African Alliance Community Center, Arusha, Tanzania
- United Garifuna Association, Brooklyn, NY
- United Steelworkers Local Union 675, Carson, CA
- United Steelworkers (USW) Local 1998, Toronto, ON, Canada
- United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA), Los Angeles, CA [Los Angeles demonstration only]
- Margaret Valente, Community Development Worker, Star Neighbourhood Centre,* Belfast, Northern Ireland
- Patrick Varache, Executive Committee member, CGT Union for Total Group Workers Normandy, Gonfreville l'Orcher, France
- Irene Vasquez, Chair, Chicana/o Studies Department of California State University at Dominguez Hills,* Carson, CA
- Chuck Vaughn, East Area Board of Directors member, United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA),* Pico Rivera, CA
- Vegan Society of the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
- Vincent Vena, Official/Provincial Organiser, South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU) Gauteng Province, Johannesburg, South Africa
- Eduardo Villanueva Munoz, Spokesman, Comite pro-derechos Humanos (Committee for Human Rights),* Isabela, Puerto Rico
- Voice of the Voiceless (Student Press for Borough of Manhattan Community College), New York, NY
- Paul Von Blum, Senior Lecturer, University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA),* Los Angeles, CA
- Ushma Vyas, Facilitation, Logistics/Finance Chair, Student Activist Project,* Los Angeles, CA
- Lonnie C. Walker, Executive Board member, Amalgamated Transit Union Local 241, Chicago, IL
- Michael Wallace, Chicago, IL
- Donna Wallach, Founder, Justice for Palestinians,* San Jose, CA
- Henry Walton, Host/Producer, Labor Review–KPFK,* Los Angeles, CA
- Glenroy Watson, Chair, Rail, Maritime and Transport Union Finsbury Park Branch, London, England
- Sam Watson, Brisbane Murri man, Queensland, Australia
- Ruben Wence Angel, Representative to FNCR, Red de Izquierda Revolucionaria-PRD; Representative to FNCR, Trabajadores en Resistencia DGEI-SEP, Mexico City, Mexico
- Cornel West
- Don W. White, Coordinator, CISPES-L.A. (Committee In Solidarity With the People of El Salvador); Campaign to End Israeli Apartheid-Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
- Sarah White, Board President, Mississippi Workers Center,* Baird, MS
- Ollie Williams, Jr., Trustee and Executive Board member, Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU)*; Executive Board member, Chicago UAW Civil Rights Committee,* Harvey, IL
- Roosevelt Williams, President, UAW Local 3212, Chicago, IL
- Shannon M. Williams, Union Steward, SEIU United Healthcare Workers West,* Los Angeles, CA
- Standish E. Willis, Chair, National Conference of Black Lawyers Chicago Chapter,* Chicago, IL
- Trent Willis, Business Agent, Executive Board member, International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 10,* San Francisco, CA
- Mag Wompel, Editor in Chief, LabourNet Germany, Bochum, Germany
- Maree Woods, Delegate, W.A. Women's Liaison, Maritime Union of Australia,* Western Australia
- Workers Radio, Sydney, Australia
- Erick Wright, member, International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 10,* Vallejo, CA
- Lewis Wright, Director, International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Pacific Coast Pensioner Association,* San Pedro, CA
- YEKMAL (Association of Parents from Kurdistan), Berlin, Germany
- York University Black Students Alliance, Toronto, ON, Canada
- Benjamin Zephaniah, Poet, London, England
- Sima Saher Zerehi, member, Status Now (Ontario),* Toronto, ON, Canada
* Organizational affiliation listed for identification purposes only.
We want to make it very clear that the endorsers of these demonstrations do not necessarily agree in any particular with the calls printed on linked flyers.