28 November 2014

A Visit to Hugo Pinell
(Class-Struggle Defense Notes)

7 September 2014 Comrades, On Saturday 6 Sept. I visited with Hugo and had a good 2 hour discussion. He remains in fine health except for continuing shoulder problem that the prison has acknowledged but not tended to. His color has improved as he now gets approx. 10 hours per week in the yard (within a closed cage where he can do chin ups, separate from cages where other isolation prisoners can have their moments in the sun). He continues to receive weekly visits from his Mom, Sister and his Daughter. He wanted to relay to you that he finally had the latest PDC stipend deposited into his account. Apparently the guard, who initially received the check, had placed it incorrectly but when Hugo pointed out the problem it was eventually rectified. Hugo wanted me to thank you very much for all of your help and your loyal attention to him and his needs. He recently has been moved to a new cell (#119) where his TV is not functioning but his family is helping him get the necessary connections so that he can receive cable channels (It is apparently a digital system that requires the inmate to supply certain connections that they purchase from the Walkenhorst vendor). Yesterday was also the commemoration in Oakland of the California Prison Hunger Strike and the event was held @ a public park which I was able to attend and presented a message of thanks and gratitude from Hugo. He also had me relay another message that Hugo believes must be stressed. He believes the only demand should be that the solitary housing units “Must Be Closed” because the prison guards union is going to continue to demand that jobs be maintained and he gives as an example the transfer of young inmates to the Pelican Bay SHU from other institutions to fill-up the units left vacant by Hugo and others being placed in the new “transition” confinement. As he pointed out the “reforms” will come through action but the closure of the SHU should be the only demand. Yours in struggle * * * (reprinted from Workers Vanguard No. 1057, 28 November 2014) Workers Vanguard is the newspaper of the Spartacist League with which the Partisan Defense Committee is affiliated. |